Saturday, September 28, 2019

I feel

I feel emptiness.
I feel frustrated.
I feel like every step I take forward is diminished
I feel like my head is going to explode even when I don't have a headache
I feel like my vision gets blurred whenever I think of something that would be hard to do.
At the same time I feel calm when faced with an challenging, confident that I will be able to hurtle it.
I feel like I am avoiding something. Avoiding everything
I feel like whenever I speak I have a weird accent. And everything comes out wrong.
I feel like I have solid goals and plans, yet I don't have the devotion to them to see them through.
I feel tense.
I know that all of these negative feelings are only temporary. 
I know that  I have control over my emotions.
I know that it is because I literally did nothing today that I am feeling this. 
I know that when I do something. Anything. I will feel better.
I know that these benefits are helping me become a better person when I choose to do something with it.
Emptiness doesn't scare me.
I know how to talk to people with accent or no accent.
I know that I can adapt.
I don't yet know the limits to my knowledge, my strength, my mental health.
I am not afraid.
I am not afraid of spiders.
I am not afraid of heights.
I am not afraid to be alone.
I am afraid of having these feelings all the time.

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