"Everybody walks on sidewalks"- People whom walk on sidewalks
"People who walk on sidewalks should branch out more."-People whom don't walk on sidewalks
"People who trample on the flowers should be punished!" - People whom walk on sidewalks
"People who walk on the sidewalks wish to end us." -People who now hate sidewalks.
"I fear hurting my mother's back by stepping on a crack" -People whose superstitions and sometimes religion are directed toward cracks on sidewalks.
"Ummm This doesn't matter" -people who think they're sane
"There are two different kinds of people in this world, those who walk on the sidewalk, and those who don't" -Sidewalkites and antisidewalkites
"No... I do both...." -people who begin to doubt they're sane
"Then you must be evil" -Sidewalkites and antisidewalkites
"YOU SHALL NOT STEP ON A SIDE WALK" - antisidewalkites extremists and the church of mothers back.
Why would anyone do this? -people who don't care a bit.