Sunday, October 4, 2015

Dear College

Dear College,
Since I am applying to you perhaps I should tell you a few things...
My grades are sometimes a T-Rex that  had a jar of jam that it couldn't reach.
But that is an illusion.
They were actually pickles.
Pickles that I experimented with the hope of the perfect sandwich
I was unafraid of failure, for how could I succeed if I've never tried something new?
I put pickles in milkshakes, and cakes on pancakes.
I put chicken with waffles.
I tried Pan-fried Rhubarb and Salmon tossed with Lime Soup.
I made Toasted Roast Beef Gravy topped with Spam.
A peanut butter and jello sandwich,
The meals I threw up on gave me valuable lessons.
Don't eat throw up.
Don't eat things that have made me throw up.
Don't eat rocks.
Eat things that I haven't tried in a while, maybe it's good.
Don't eat meals that that are good all the time.
But I needed the most perfect sandwich.
So I kept trying.
There is no perfect sandwich.
I asked myself again and again, what do I want out of life?
A good job? An edjamacation? Popularity? Friends? unpopularity?
This is what I focused on.
I have tried them all.
I learned skills that I felt would make me happy.
Learning to learn I've learned.
took a lot of error.

1 comment:

  1. I really like this,
    And the food combinations made me really happy
